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This blog is the often amusing, sometimes dangerous den of two British writers of contemporary and paranormal romance, and urban fantasy. Most of our stories are based in the UK and our heroes and heroines are passionate Brits - yes, passionate Brits exist! Come on in out of the cold, pull up a chair and see for yourself...

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Four werewolf books ~ Only $0.99 each, and... win wolves!!!

FOUR WEREWOLF BOOKS ~ ONLY $0.99 EACH (purchase links further down), AND... WIN WOLVES!!!

Yes, we're serious. 1st Prize is a wolf adoption pack from UK Wolf Conservation Trust AND YOU CAN CHOOSE YOUR OWN WOLF. Second prize is a cuddly wolf toy from the same charity.

INTERNATIONAL CONTEST: It's all about sharing this sale. Go to the Rafflecopter below and do what it says to enter - LOTS of entry options, so you don't have to be on Twitter.

And now the sale... Don't pass up your chance to start these two fabulous series at an unbeatable price.
*Please note that some stores take a couple of days to show the reduction, so pop back in 48 hours if the store below is not showing it yet. Sale ends 20th October.

She-Wolf and Cranberry Blood, by Elizabeth Morgan
AMAZON US - http://tinyurl.com/BloodSeries-ElizabethMorgan
AMAZON UK - http://tinyurl.com/BloodSeriesUK-ElizabethMorgan
BARNES & NOBLE - http://tinyurl.com/BloodSeriesBnN-ElizabethMorgan
SMASHWORDS - https://www.smashwords.com/books/byseries/16213
KOBO - http://tinyurl.com/BloodSeriesKOB-ElizabethMorgan
iBOOKS/iTUNES - https://itunes.apple.com/gb/artist/elizabeth-morgan/id268987448?mt=11

Releasing The Wolf and Cry Of The Wolf, by Dianna Hardy
AMAZON US - http://tinyurl.com/EyeOfTheStorm-DiannaHardy
AMAZON UK - http://tinyurl.com/EyeOfTheStormUK-DiannaHardy
BARNES & NOBLE - http://tinyurl.com/EyeOfTheStormBN-DiannaHardy
SMASHWORDS - https://www.smashwords.com/books/byseries/3154
KOBO - http://tinyurl.com/EyeOfTheStormKOBO-DiannaHardy
iBOOKS/iTUNES - https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/dianna-hardy/id460226216?mt=11

Enjoy! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Wolves are great! What's not to like about those furry beasts - umm did you mean natural or weres? LOL Thank you for the fun and making me smile with this awesome sale!

    1. Unfortunately the Werewolf adoption site closed down. We did try, promise. :p So yes, actual, natural wolves and they are all so beautiful. It's our pleasure. We're very excited about these prizes so glad to hear that it brought a smile to your face. :D

  2. I love wolves! This is a great sale and a great cause. Although I won't lie if I came face to face with one I'd be scared

    1. Thanks Ashley, glad you're liking the event. I think being scared would be a normal reaction especially if it was a werewolf :p

  3. Never seen a real wolf would love to they are such beautiful creatures. .. Great sale ! have spread the word.

    1. Neither have I, but I would like to see one as well at some point. Thanks, Katrina. :)
